Help Index / Other Stuff /Player-Created ProgramsMany players have coding skills and are interested in creating programs to help them play UltraCorps. There's a long tradition, going all the back to the VR-1 days, of player-designed "battle simulators" and custom universe maps.We are all in favor of this, provided you:
Don't Spider Our Site!Use of any program that automatically gathers information from the game site is strictly forbidden. It's possible that such a program might give the operator an unfair advantage. Whether that happened or not, it would definitely use up server cycles and bandwidth, and slow the game down for everybody else. The only reason someone might consider spidering would be to try to look at every world, every turn, without clicking personally. Not legal! For those interested in creating star maps, battle calculators, economic analyzers, and so on, all games except solos automatically export two kinds of .csv (comma separated values) files. Players are welcome to take this information and pour it into their own analyzers.
#worldID,name,x,y,EI,RER,ownerID,ownerName,ownerRace,class,population,ultranium,visible_fp Note that this gives only the generally available info on each world. ownerRace is a number (corresponds to our race id numbers) and "class" is either "homeworld" or "nobody". A world's class never changes, even if a homeworld is captured.
Help Us Protect Our Trademark and Copyright!Whether or not you ever intend to show your program to another living soul:
Share, Please!We do not REQUIRE you to share your work with others, but we encourage it. If you come up with a great new battle calculator or other game aid that you would like to share, let us know. We would like to offer such programs for download, if and when players come up with really effective ones. |