The Orn

The Orn

Next to the omniscient Acutron, these aloof creatures possess the most advanced technology in known space. Their endless pursuit of technical perfection has resulted in the development of many spacecraft, artificial intelligence, weapons, and communication devices.

The Orn consciousness is defined by pure objectivity and scientific interest. All Orn individuals are soft-wired into the AllMind, an ethereal electronic entity which collects the totality of Orn thought at any given moment and issues directives and advice based on collective thought data. The result is a unified, tireless culture which wastes no time with intra-species communications. This mental condition also causes other races to view the Orn as cold, distant creatures with seemingly no regard for the concerns of other beings.

For untold millennia, the Orn have built intergalactic communities and researched for the common good. Although they are incapable of pride, they take a certain communal satisfaction in the ultimate betterment of the civilized universe and the exploration of its mysteries. At times, these wide objectives are unclear to other cultures and conflicts arise. The Orn are especially hated by the VaT'ak, who find their emotionless scientific existence disgusting, effeminate, and insulting.