VaT'ak Warriors

VaT'ak Warriors

Above all other races, the VaT'ak are sturdy warriors. They specialize in combat operations, production, and all-out cultural warfare. Using their enhanced instincts and triple-reinforced anatomy, few races can stand against them in single combat. They are the only race to ever directly combat the Acutron (the battle of G'Tan in 200AC).

This race's immeasurable devotion to warrior honor and discipline defines its cultural identity. Their entire society is built around the training, educating, and refinement of soldiers and soldier support personnel. VaT'ak children are trained from birth and must undergo a rite of passage into adulthood. This brutal ceremony pits children against each other in a battle to the death. Victors live on to become fierce VaT'ak soldiers, while losers are forgotten in the shadows of dishonor.