

With massive cranial cavities and a single, huge eyeball, these tentacled Cyclopes are easily distinguishable. Their carbon-based composition has developed a dependence on a gaseous substance they call "Muir-Cla," a psychoactive material required for respiration and cellular health. This substance has some hallucinogenic effects on Entradishar psyches, but their physiological need for it makes them nearly immune to its more bizarre effects. Because they depend on Muir-Cla, all Entradishar wear respiration helmets everywhere but their home world.

The Entradishar are known for their incomparable terraforming and artificial-world building technologies. Their own home world, a massive Ultranium ring around the Prime-4 pulsar, is a masterpiece of planetary engineering. Technological advancements led them to discover the Gerard Strain, a highly valued plant species capable of Ultranium refinement. This plant is sought after by every advanced race in the known universe.

Many civilizations consider the Entradishar a frightening species of inconsiderate invaders bent on the exploitation of all races. This perception is partially true. Entradishar Space Troopers have ravaged several worlds in their quest for colonization of the universe, and in the process grew to appreciate the taste of many sentient species in their infamous "Gor-stew." There is, however, a nobler side to these strange creatures. Unfortunately, no scientist or cultural study has translated their poetry or philosophy, so vestiges of cultural nobility remains unavailable and unappreciated by most of the universe.