The Xirons

The Xirons  

These tall, serpentine creatures are the medics of the universe. Their non-aggressive, nurturing culture is held in high respect by planetary societies everywhere.

The Xirons develop extremely advanced biomedical technologies. Among these are compact combat aid kits equipped to treat thousands of individuals, advanced cloning technology, and medical environment adjustment treatments. Intergalactic demand for the Xiron Hydro-Cloning pods is constant, but this calm, wise race is known to release technology only to select populations.

For untold millennia, the Xirons have traveled the universe and offered themselves as servants of every society in known space. Xiron ships are often left unperturbed even in forbidden territory, and they are almost always the community pillars. Each individual takes great pride in this vow of service, and pledges to a life of non-violence from their maturing age of 400 years onward. Younger Xirons study the ancestral ways and prepare for their age of succession. These creatures are valuable additions to any population.