
November 30, 2009: Omega Is Open For Joining

Our final beta-test mega game Omega is now open for joining. The map will be built AFTER joining has closed, which will be 7pm CST on Wednesday. If you want to play, please join before then!

All players will receive UltraMail when the map is built, so you can log in and do your starting turn.

The first tick will be on Thursday December 3rd.

Have fun, & thanks to everyone for helping us test UltraCorps these last few years. We're looking forward to launching the game!

November 23, 2009: Email Preferences, And The Next Mega

You'll notice a new link on your profile page to "Edit Prefs"; right now this manages your preferences for receiving e-mail from UltraCorps. If you'd like to be notified whenever there's a new mega game open, you can set that in your prefs.

We've also added a preference for e-mail notifications whenever a PUB or Mega game you're in has ticked. This setting can be changed on a per-game basis from your Empire page; we've also added a new radio button to the "join game" page asking if you'd like to receive tick notifications. The default will be whatever you have set on your prefs page.

And to avoid spam, if you'd rather not receive any e-mail from UltraCorps ever, you can set your no-mail preference to YES.

The Next Mega

...will open for joining on Monday Nov. 30th. If you'd like to suggest a name for it, visit the forums. We think this will be the last free mega game; UltraCorps will finally launch at the beginning of next year.

Now Accepting Admin Applications

We're looking to hire an admin for UltraCorps. You can read the details here.

November 9, 2009: Super PUBs!

We've rolled out some changes to PUB games. When you create a new PUB game, you can now view the game map without joining. Also, the PUB admin index page is now a list of your currently hosted PUB games (for most people that'll just be one game).

The "edit game units" feature has been removed from beta testing; that'll be an Elite feature on launch, and has been moved to Elite-only access now for final testing.

As a player, you may notice some super-sized PUB games on the PUB page; feel free to join and help us test these super-sized PUBs!

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