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PUB Game Reputation

If you run PUB games, your players will get to rate your performance as a Game Master. Before you join a PUB game, you should look at the owner's reputation on his Profile page, to see what previous players thought of the way he manages his games.

When you play a PUB game that lasts at least eight turns, you will get a rating form upon leaving the game, whether that is

  • After the game ends, or
  • After you quit, or
  • After you are booted.
You can give either a positive or negative rating, or you can decline to give a rating. If you give a negative rating, you must include a comment. You don't have to give a comment on a positive rating, but you may.

Ratings have no effect on a player's permanent rankings or his ability to run PUB games, but if you have a lot of negative ratings, other players may be slow to join your games.

You can always see all the ratings you have given other players, and all the ratings they have given you, from your own Profile page.

If you give someone a negative rating, you cannot join any more of his PUB games.

If you give someone a negative rating, you can remove it at any time, starting from your own Profile page. If you remove the negative rating, you may once again join that player's PUBs. We suggest you not do this unless you are sure the person has mended his ways!

If you play in another game run by the same person, your new rating will overwrite the old one. Thus, a negative can overwrite a positive or a "no rating." A positive can overwrite a "no rating." A positive cannot overwrite a negative, because you have to delete the negative before you can join the new game!

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