February 27, 2008: Ruh-Oh Games Starting
The Ruh-oh ring games are now joinable, with 30 spaces in each. We ended up splitting them by XP instead of average.
- Ruh-oh 1 is exclusively for those with fewer than 50 XP.
- Ruh-oh 2 is open to everyone with fewer than 200 XP.
- Ruh-oh 3 is for players with 200 or more XP.
Since the first three games filled so fast, we've created several more:
- Ruh-oh 4, for players with 50-200 XP.
- Ruh-oh 5 (formerly Ruh-oh 6), for players with any level of XP.
Go for it! Conquest is Job One!
February 24, 2008: Ruh-Oh Rings!
We will soon launch three new ring games with the same setup. There will be one each for starting, medium, and high rated players.
Ruh-Oh will run for 25 daily turns. The victory conditions will be classic (number of worlds controlled), and the economy will be on. Points credited will be standard for rings.
Scooby-Doo fans will know what we mean by "Ruh-oh." Clearly, we over-buffed the Swampies and Entradishar, and we don't have to wait for Quince to finish in order to test the next round of changes:
- The Swampies lose their R-class, but they keep the license and the population advantage.
- The Giganto license and CPX both go to 750 for the Entradishar.
- The OMG is now a scanner with a range of 120.
- The poor unbuffed Ectonians get three extra cargo boosters, since we're not going to be testing any major buffs at the same time we debuff the currently strongest races.
February 19, 2008: Xiron Heavy Cruiser Art
Robi Mookerjee, who created the art for the X-8 and the Nozama, has created these new images for the Xiron Force Coil and Xiron Heavy Cruiser. Thanks, Robi!
February 9, 2008: Quince Has Started
. . . and, though we announced it on the forum, we did not post news here. No excuse. We suspect the Sludge has infested our brains. The game is full; if you missed out, be sure to sign up on the game request page. If we get enough interest we'll start a ring game or something to give everyone their fix.February 1, 2008: Solo in 4!

Congratulations to UC_Rommel for completing the first solo game in 4 turns! You can check out the game here.
Lots of Updates
We've just rolled out a bunch of changes in preparation for the upcoming mega game (which we expect to open next week). Please read the forum thread for details. The racial help files have NOT been updated yet; we'll get to that shortly.
We would like you to test the new changes. Any newly created game (solo or PUB) will get the new racial X-factors and bonuses, with the exception of Sxullborgs: all CURRENT games will get the Sxullborg perk, starting now.
Note also that the LAST news item was so recent that you may not have seen it, so, to repeat: The "All Fleets" report has been modified to make it easier to notice when you have neglected to deploy a fleet. The undeployed fleet section of the report is now at the top . . . and if you have undeployed fleets, they show up with a red background.
If you notice anything that doesn't look right - numbers don't add up, or you get a traceback or notice other bugs - please e-mail those to kira@sjgames.com. We'll do our best to get any bugs worked out before we start the new mega.February 1, 2008: All Fleets Tweak / Sxull Perk
The "All Fleets" report has been modified to make it easier to notice when you have neglected to deploy a fleet. The undeployed fleet section of the report is now at the top . . . and if you have undeployed fleets, they show up with a red background.
Also: one of the changes for the next game is a perk for the SxullBorgs. Because it's not part of setup, it will become active for existing games as soon as we migrate the code to the regular server. So if you're a Sxull in a PUB, and you notice something useful and odd . . . it's a feature, not a bug.
The full announcement of the next mega, and its changes, will be coming soon. All the changes will be implemented a few days before the new mega opens, to give everyone a chance to practice and to shake out the bugs.
-- Steve Jackson
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